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Science Encyclopedia

All right. Now, while we were looking at the last one. This probably is not going to be an order. I shouldn’t have said that because it’s not going to make any sense for you guys listening to this right now. However, back over here, right? We looked at the Drives of a Lifetime. It was all right, not my favorite. Let’s go to North American Locomotives. No, I don’t want to look at that one. Science Encyclopedia. I’ll get that. It looks more of a kid book, so a kid book would make it all easy with pictures.

Let’s check it out.

I need to put this book down here so I don’t forget. We got matter…can you see it? my dirty sweater. That’s good enough. Electricity and magnetism, energy, motion, and machines, matter and chemicals. Let’s see, good stuff. This is pretty interesting. See, I told you this is why I like kids books. They draw pictures for you, and there’s always interesting things on the side. For all the kids out there, look at your books now, because once you get to college and everything it’s all text. Let’s look at about time. I got another book around or somewhere with, what is his name? The guy in the wheelchair? I don’t remember what his name is, who wrote all those theses and books on space and time and black holes and whatever. We’ll see if this book over here, which it’s going to do more difficult to film perfectly, but whatever. You guys can hear me. 198.

Look at the pictures. I like these. This guy, here you go. Stephen Hawking. See, I knew what I was talking about. Stephen Hawking. That’s crazy. Space and time, deep space. You also did some things on time. They probably are, more or less, close to get…they got him in there already so they already studied on him. That’s…oh no. This way, maybe? If I’m upside down, I apologize. We’ll just get back to the book. So look. See, this is what I like, kids books are great. They show it real easy for you. You know what I’m saying? They show you the sun and the earth and then we’re outside, and monkeys and…I don’t remember what they’re called. Chimpanzees, maybe? To the Neanderthals, whatever to stone or that the Olympus or whatever it’s called. Then to cities and airplanes and space and space stations. See, this is pretty cool. I Like this.

This is the only page. Look at that. It doesn’t give us too much, but measuring time over years, months, and days are worked out time. We are looking…let’s see. Hopefully you guys can see we’re looking right around here. Hours, minutes, fractions of seconds. The nearest hour or two can be near enough if time is not the essence of traditional events. Minutes, as time keeping devices became more accurate minutes counted as when catching a coach or train. Fractions of seconds, with electronic timing, one or two hundreds of a second can now mean a new world record.

That’s pretty interesting. Like I said, I’ll go more in depth on the paper. What I’m probably going to do is go a little bit more in depth because that page that doesn’t have very much, on that one page, but we’ll probably go deep space. No, because time and deep space aren’t really connected. Time and changing times, right? Changing times and past and future, there we go. All three of those right would be great, but not like…this is what I mean by more or less like a kids book. You can learn a lot from a kid’s because they put pictures in and they make it really simple. You’re not going to learn, especially with these experiments, we can try these out, one of these days. Optical illusions, seeing is believing. we can learn about mold.

Especially if you have kids, get this and then they showed you how to do everything, right? Where did it go? Did you know, as the Earth’s climate gets hotter with global warming, ice in the Arctic and Antarctica may start to melt. Sea levels will rise and many low lying places could be flooded.

Did you know?

Yes, I did. You know what I’m saying?

This is another did you know. I did not know this. Maybe I didn’t know it, let me tell you. Ships and boats float higher in salt water than they do on fresh water and that’s because the salt water is more dense than the fresh water. They got experiments for all this stuff over here. That’s just kind of, again, with build a library and you never know what you learned, right? That’s kind of what this was all about. Again, this is the Science Encyclopedia right there. Look forward to you guys reading a little bit more if you’re interested. I want to try some of these experiments. They’re base for kids, excuse me, but they look interesting to me.