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Building A Page Intro In Clickfunnels

So today I already made two of them, but, um, I gotta make more, a whole lot more. So it doesn’t really matter. I’ll show you so first. So this is inside of ClickFunnels. And what today we’re going to do is build a couple pages. Cause it’s, I have to build, I think, 30 of them. So it’s kind of repeat over and over and over and over again. So I’m not going to show you me doing all of them, but let’s first go into the top settings. So this is the settings for the funnel, right? Not for your pages for the entire funnel. So at the time, the name of the entire funnel, FYI fitness right here, right. Group tag. It, which makes it really easy in when you have hundreds of different funnels. If you don’t have a group tag, it is a pain in the to have to scroll up and down and trying to find something, your domain name like there.

You see what I’m saying? So you see what I’m saying? There’s a lot of different names under here. So if I just have a whole bunch of funnels, because you can have more than one funnel or per name. All right. So right here, the stock market, there’s what, 12 different funnels all going under 12 or 13, something like that. All going under here. So if you don’t group them have fun. All right. Your email integration right here. If you, you know, the favicon is little, uh, I don’t have it. Well, y’all just scrolling here. The fabric on is here. That’s what that is.

All right. And you can set up your Stripe. This is your head tracking. So if you want to put in Google analytics, you put it right here. Uh, or Google ads, sentence. You put it right here. Um, you know your Stripe right here. You do all that. Then all the other like integrations that you can have

All right. Save an update. Okay.

All right. So now your funnel, right? So you’re just thinking of it. Like your, your website is ready now you can build your pages. So you just click over to your pages.

Now on your pages, you have your overview automation publishing. So let’s go to the publishing on the page, right? Cause the page and the website are different

Funnel step name, which is right here. And then the path, which if I’m going to show you something just a second, pay attention to this right here. Right? Cause that’s, that’s the little part at the end of, you know, this is FYM and, then backslash fitness. Right? So make sure you pay attention to this because if you do not and you just go through and you go clone funnel, right? You see how this is FYI and intro blah, blah, blah. So I’m changing. So I’m not using this fitness one. I’m using this. This is going to be like one of the days, right? So this is the intro. So you, like, as I said, you go to the publishing, you click in the intro and then here’s your path right now when you clone The reason I made this mistake and it costs me hours and hours of hours of recrafting this mistake. So I’m telling you this now. Cause I didn’t, I thought it automatically did this, but it did not. So what happens? You see how you literally cloned the path. So now the second one’s name is intro as well. So let’s go to the publishing of this one.

You see how you cloned it? So now the intro path is right here. So what happens is it doesn’t seem like it’s a big deal in the beginning, but when you’re building 20, 30, 40 pages and you just copy, copy, copy, copy, copy. Or you’re going to have all the pages that say intro, right? And then a number, intro, a number, intro, a number, intro a number, intro a number. So if you’re ever trying to find that page quickly year and a half to remember all this. And so user ability score is going to drop significantly. If you don’t simply change your path every single time. Now what I’m going to do right here is I’m

I am going to erase this

Because I do not want to use it, but I just wanted to give that as an example of what not to do. Like if you’re going to copy, which is great saves time, but make sure that when you copy, you change the path then to what you want it to be. Another thing that is very important to before you build out an entire website, make sure that you have your domain name, right. And it’s already linked up. It works good. All that. Do that on like your first two pages. First, first I say first, why do you say first Eric? Because if you do not, it does not automatically change. Right? So if you come in and you add up, edit one of your pages and you spend two hours and you know, you have 500 different links on your page and you did not link this first, you will have to go back and change every link again, does that make sense?

Because this will not say FYI I’m in fitness. It will be Eric Johnson, whatever, blah, blah, blah, blah fitness, you know, cause this is the name of, of, cause the backslash is right there. Right. And will it still link you to where you want to go? Yes. And that’s what gets it all screwed. So you will think, right? Because it will work. So if you do not change it, that Eric Johnson, blah, blah, blah, blah link for each page that you use on a grand, like on your main page, they will link and they will work perfectly. However, if someone copies that link, it will not say F I’m in fitness. It will be Eric Johnson, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Does that make sense? So if you want user user participation, if you want people to like link your webpage, then you need to make sure that you have this set up first, right?

If you go to S F Y M M stock market, and you go through that page, every single link on there, I did not do this first. All right. So later I had to go through and change every single link that’s on that entire webpage. So to save yourself a whole day worth of work, near do this small little thing. First don’t even start until you get your domain name. All right. So let’s add a step, See how right here. It’s way easier. I mean, if you want to copy and paste, that’s great. Like if you just want a copy of, uh, uh, a funnel or a step in the funnel, that’s great, but you can easily just name it right here and then the path. And there’s lots of different ways that you can do this, but


All right. Part of the reason I wanted to just make the funnel for you and start it from fresh. So I could show you all the different types of pages that you can make, right? So this is your opt-in page. So if you’re trying to collect email addresses, this is all the different ones that they have for you, right?

Like just templates, right? You can, you got to change them. If you’re trying to sell you see all the look, Oh, excuse me. So if you have a sales page, product launch order form, one-click upsell down, sell order confirmation, uh, we’ll briefly go through. So here’s like a sales page. If you, I mean, I hope you’ve noticed there is a lot of different pages. So this is a product launch, which is different than the sales page.

I don’t know if they changed, uh, your order form, which is right here. So I, another quick point that needs to be like told each one of these pages has different. Uh userability right. So if you are trying to collect someone’s credit card information and you are on a affiliates or a click pop, it’s not going to, or a webinar, it’s not going to work quite as well. You need to have a sales page in order to collect sales. Right. It doesn’t matter which one of these, it just needs to be. Now I’m using the miscellaneous. So if you want more of like a stress, you know, if you’re looking for a home page or contact page about the blog, a blog page, if you’re going to start selling pictures, like this is more just like miscellaneous and just kind of random. But there, if you’re trying to, cause this is all more catered around like making sales and affiliates and memberships and webinars.

If you’re just trying to do like a, a blog or just like regular website, it’s, it’s almost easier just to come over here and build it. I’ll give you trying to do something in size. Now, if you’re trying to build like five different funnels, obviously do one of these. But if you’re trying to build a huge website, like w like a large one, and over here, I’ve noticed that they have better, uh, templates for you. Uh, let’s do this real quick post, or is this the one that I wanted? Or is it, yeah, I wanted this three, three things. So we select this one. My computer’s about to die. So I’m gonna show you pretty fast. FYM fitness, You see how we remember when we changed the things. So it just comes out to, you might change that the day two, but whatever

So right here, this is like writing a, what did I do you see how I just did that? You can go backward and forward. Um, we’re not gonna mess with this all the way, but we’ll, I’m just going to show you briefly what you can do. So right here, out of element, I already have, I mean, you could change it as it is, but I have a picture already. So I just put the picture right here, coming here, and you just kind of delete then over here, there’s top margin. Make that a little bit. You can make it like, if you want to, you just, zero’s not the most, it can go. It can go zero 10, zero negative 30, negative 40 or 50. Excuse me, CCR and chopped tomorrow.

Negative 20. That looks good. All right. It’s up there now up here, we can. There’s a lot of userability. You can do. I have what? All right. There’s a lot. Uh, and if you continuously watching videos, then you’ll learn more and more and more and more. So in this one video, it’s a lot it’s jam packed. But the fastest thing to do is see all this stuff down here, build it all once. And then you can come over here. You’ll say button, you can save it. And this is a section. All right. So when you’re building a web, like 10 pages, 20 pages, 30 pages, whatever, then build one, make it as exactly how you want it. Make sure you make it exactly how you want it. It’s almost build these last, right? Because another, another thing, when you continuously build, you have to go back and change each page.

So if you built everything, then in the end, you can add this on because you already know what you want, and it’s easier and faster doing it. That way you save it. And then you just, boom, boom, boom. Go to each and down and upload it. Same thing, kind of with your header. Now I could change all these real quick and, and have my idea. But the more that I build the web, the page out my mind is going to be like, Oh, I forgot, Oh, let me do this. Oh, let me do that. You see what I’m saying? So what is your end up doing is you’re be changing these like six, seven times. So it’s easier. Build your pages, get everything done, check it, and then do your headers and footers. Does that make sense? Like, don’t do your headers and footers first.

That’s that doesn’t make any sense. Cause this contact page, unless you, you have one central contact page for every single thing, then build it and build it. But if you’re you have a contact page for FYM fitness, right. Then wait until the very end. Cause you don’t know exactly what you’re going to do. So just bear with me on that. So what we’re going to do, I’m going to show you real quick, how you can take it from a book. So we got, so this is they to erase that real quick. Then over here, got it from the book. You know my book, I wrote what I transcribed. I’ll explain that later. How I did it in a different video. So we take that, come back over here.

Now I’m deciding no, I haven’t decided yet whether I like it like this or like this, but right now just cause I have 5% left. I’m going to keep it like this. Cause I’m trying to show you boom. Now your Facebook thing it’s well, I’ll just show you in a second. So then what you want to do. Cause I have a video ad, the video click right here. It’s on YouTube right now. Let’s go back over here and got you to day two. Where is it? Day two. We come right here, get the shareable link. Come over here, go like that. Now we have now just because I don’t, I’m running out of time. I’m gonna, we can, cause these are easy. These are just, you know, just cut and paste and all that kind of stuff, uh, right here, integrations. So you have to create a list first before you can integrate it. But right here, I’ll show you how to make than just a second, because I got to build a list for this. But uh, this video is gonna run out fast. So you’re in, well, I’ll just show you on this

Next one. We save it. Let me show you what that was.

So this is the SEO metadata. So your title, your page description, uh, the image, the social image. So on Facebook, when, you know, when you send somebody a link, they’ll be a little description of what you sent and then a little picture. That’s what all this stuff is, right? And then the name of the page. I I’ll do that later because I like to have everything lined up and I don’t know exactly what I want to name all the pages yet. And that’s, what’s the name of the page is what you see right here.

I don’t know what I want it to be named yet. So I’ll do that at the end. I kind of like the headers and footers. So let’s go to the preview. Mind you, there goes our little guy running. Here’s a YouTube video. You can play it. Well, that sucks. I just recorded. But I just realized that that wasn’t even recorded. It was just talking to a camera. Number two. It doesn’t really want to see how that is. And uh, Google automatically does this. Um, that’s my personal email. Thank you for showing everybody Google

The comments.

This is what I was talking about now.

What is this?

I don’t know what this is. This is somebody else. Right? So if you want to add you or your Facebook stuff, your, your comments plugin, you can add it right here, which is great. So like I said, here’s your footer. Wait until you’re done with all that. But I just wanted to show you that you can, let’s go back to here

At the bottom

Facebook comments. So Facebook comment URL, you put it right here and then it’ll show you and you can put how many posts you want right there with the color theme. And so they can, I mean, it just brings more social interaction onto your page. I’m going to go now. Hope you guys learned something from this quick little tutorial.